In Office Surgery
in Abilene, TX
If you can avoid the operating room, it will save you both money and time. Our goal is to provide high-quality surgical care in a convenient setting. When it is safe and appropriate, we are pleased to offer certain procedures right in our office, ensuring a comfortable experience for our patients. If you're interested in learning more about what we offer, please consult our clinical website for additional information on our procedures.
If you suffer from infertility, have irregular bleeding or a polyp or even a retained IUD, you may need a hysteroscopy. We can do that, remove IUDs and polyps in the comfort of our office under local anesthesia with oral pain and anxiety medications.
This takes less time out of your day and less money out of your pocket.
If you need a hysteroscopy, call us today to schedule an appointment, and we will evaluate if your are a candidate for in-office hysteroscopy.
Our form below is for in hospital hysteroscopy. However, recovery in office is much shorter, returning to most activities within hours!
Loop Electrosurgical excision procedure.
This procedure is for dysplasia of the cervix with the goal of preventing cervical cancer in those that have precancerous cells. This can be done safely in the office with just local anesthesia! If you are anxious, we are happy to call you in some medications as long as you bring a responsible driver to get you home.
Excess labia can cause pain & embarassement
Labia minora reduction is indicated for any patient wishing to reduce the size of their labia minora. This can be for cosmetic reasons or due to physical discomfort associated with a protuberant labia minora during intercourse or during daily life while wearing certain undergarments. Labiaplasty may be or may not be covered by insurance - let us look into that for you!
This can be performed in the office in under 30 minutes using just local anesthesia. We are happy to prescribe anxiety medications as long as you bring a responsible driver to get you home safely.
Did you know…
Surgery in the office is
Avoid having to pay hospital operating room or anesthesia charges
Arrive about 30 minutes prior to your procedure and leave within an hour of your procedure. On OR procedure will usually require 4 hours or more out of your day
Less Downtime
You are up and around just after the procedure - ready to go back to MOST activities immediately!
Quicker Recovery
Avoidance of IV anesthesia helps you recover faster - no drowsiness or sedation.
July 2024
Emsella has truly been life changing for me! I bought a package, being skeptical about what results I would truly have. Wow! Was i surprised! After the first session I noticed small changes, but by the 4th session I had significant results. I slept the night (and continue to) without getting up to go to the bathroom for the first time in about 20 years. I am able to run, couch and sneeze with no leaks. I 100% recommend Emsella and am so thankful I tried it!” - JH.
Call for a appointment
today to see if you are a candidate for in office surgery!
Let us take the confusion out of it - call today!